Lent 2015, Day Thirty-Seven—Chrysostom (1)

Today’s citation is the first of several from Chrysostom (AD 349-407), the famous preacher and bishop of Constantinople.  This first citation comes from his homily on 2 Corinthians 5:11, in which he employs an analogy to illustrate what God did for us in the sacrifice of his Son.

If one that was himself a king, beholding a robber and malefactor under punishment, gave his well-beloved son, his only-begotten and true, to be slain; and transferred the death and the guilt as well, from him to his son (who was himself of no such character), that he might both save the condemned man and clear him from his evil reputation; and then if, having subsequently promoted him to great dignity, he had yet, after thus saving him and advancing him to that glory unspeakable, been outraged by the person that had received such treatment: would not that man, if he had any sense, have chosen ten thousand deaths rather than appear guilty of so great ingratitude?  This then let us also now consider with ourselves, and groan bitterly for the provocations we have offered our Benefactor; nor let us therefore presume, because though outraged He bears it with long-suffering; but rather for this very reason be full of remorse.

Jerry Shepherd
Lent, Holy Week
April 1, 2015