This post is simply to alert you to an important resource you may wish to consult. The most recent issue of Credo magazine, a free online publication, is dedicated to a discussion of biblical theology, 110 pages of it. Contributors include: Darian Lockett, Edward Klink, Stephen Dempster, David Murray, Matthew Barrett, Thomas Schreiner, T. Desmond Alexander, Greg Beale, Peter Gentry, Stephen Wellum, Richard Gaffin, James Hamilton. I have mentioned several of these biblical theologians in previous posts. Gaffin, as I mentioned before, was one of my professors; and several others have, fairly recently, written major biblical-theological works. You may access the issue here. On the website, you may either read the entire issue online, or download it as a PDF. I haven’t read this myself yet, but I am very much looking forward to doing so. Happy reading!
Jerry Shepherd
January 8, 2014